Mighty Oaks Day Nursery | Mighty Oaks Day Nursery and Preschool
Fall is just around the corner and the new school year with it. Although parents often welcome the break that comes when children go back to school, kids can sometimes feel stressed out-even preschoolers attending Brookline pre-K or preschool programs part time. That's why experts recommend preparing your kids for school as summer draws to a close.
Even if your child is headed back to the same Brookline preschool program she attended last year, there's still a chance for some anxiety to creep in. From being away from home to being in a strange place or having a new teacher, there are plenty of things to stress youngsters out even. After all, most of us (adults included) get anxious when faced with a new situation don't we? Even if you don't sense any anxiety revolving around school, preparing your child for the school year ahead of time is still a good idea.
Set Expectations
By setting expectations for their child, parents can ease any concerns children have about attending a new
Brookline preschool or pre-K program and make the experience a positive one for both parent and child. The first step is to determine whether there is in fact any anxiety. In order to do this parents should simply ask a few questions. Their child's answers, along with tone and even body language for kids too young to articulate themselves very well will tell parents a lot about how their child is feeling about attending their new Brookline pre-K or preschool.
Tips for Parents
Play "School" - Role-play, in this case playing school, is an easy way for parents to understand and reduce their child's fears about preschool. Take turns being the teacher and student and enlist the help of stuffed animal friends to sit in the classroom and be students too. Pre-K and even preschoolers love to play school and parents will find the playacting very telling.
Visit the School - Chances are, the Brookline preschool or preschool program has an open house in late summer for the purpose of (re) acquainting parents and students with the school, teachers, and facilities. Take advantage of this opportunity by personalizing the school. Show your child where her cubbie is, where the bathrooms are, and of course the play areas inside and out.
Get Ready for the School Year Together - Make "back to school" a special time of year by shopping for a new backpack, pair of new school shoes, school clothes, or supplies together. Ask your child to select a special school supply such as a personalized notepad or magnet.
Be Positive - By modeling positive behavior such as showing a liking for school and excitement for the new school year, parents show their kids that school is a good thing. Your enthusiasm will rub off on your child and don't be surprised if he or she begins to actually look forward to school!
Jane Bartlett is a retired educator who spent much of her career in leading Brookline preschool and pre-K programs. She now writes extensively on early education issues and remains an active voice regarding Brookline.
Even if your child is headed back to the same Brookline preschool program she attended last year, there's still a chance for some anxiety to creep in. From being away from home to being in a strange place or having a new teacher, there are plenty of things to stress youngsters out even. After all, most of us (adults included) get anxious when faced with a new situation don't we? Even if you don't sense any anxiety revolving around school, preparing your child for the school year ahead of time is still a good idea.
Set Expectations
By setting expectations for their child, parents can ease any concerns children have about attending a new
Brookline preschool or pre-K program and make the experience a positive one for both parent and child. The first step is to determine whether there is in fact any anxiety. In order to do this parents should simply ask a few questions. Their child's answers, along with tone and even body language for kids too young to articulate themselves very well will tell parents a lot about how their child is feeling about attending their new Brookline pre-K or preschool.
Tips for Parents
Play "School" - Role-play, in this case playing school, is an easy way for parents to understand and reduce their child's fears about preschool. Take turns being the teacher and student and enlist the help of stuffed animal friends to sit in the classroom and be students too. Pre-K and even preschoolers love to play school and parents will find the playacting very telling.
Visit the School - Chances are, the Brookline preschool or preschool program has an open house in late summer for the purpose of (re) acquainting parents and students with the school, teachers, and facilities. Take advantage of this opportunity by personalizing the school. Show your child where her cubbie is, where the bathrooms are, and of course the play areas inside and out.
Get Ready for the School Year Together - Make "back to school" a special time of year by shopping for a new backpack, pair of new school shoes, school clothes, or supplies together. Ask your child to select a special school supply such as a personalized notepad or magnet.
Be Positive - By modeling positive behavior such as showing a liking for school and excitement for the new school year, parents show their kids that school is a good thing. Your enthusiasm will rub off on your child and don't be surprised if he or she begins to actually look forward to school!
Jane Bartlett is a retired educator who spent much of her career in leading Brookline preschool and pre-K programs. She now writes extensively on early education issues and remains an active voice regarding Brookline.
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